
We’re Back At Bloom 2019!

We have just gotten news this week that we’re going to be back at Bloom in The Park this year, from Thursday May 30th until Tuesday June 4th! We’re delighted to be back again this year after such a great show in 2018, and for anybody who didn’t catch us last year, follow along below where we will be looking forward to Bloom 2019, as well as reflecting on our previous shows in 2018.



Bloom 2018

Picture of of our stall at Bloom 2018ย Picture of of our stall at Bloom 2018

Our first show for 2018 was Bloom in The Park last year, a show that actually means a lot to us as a company, as Bloom was the first show that we did back when the company was only starting up! Back then we only made and sold the ABC Frames at the show, but last year we decided to take a completely different approach. Rather than turning our stall into a production centre, we decided to turn it into a showroom, and let everybody to come in and have a closer look at the products that we made. Of course the ABC Frames were on display, but so were our Personalised Chopping Boards, Personalised Luggage Tags and Personalised Coasters, as well as our Personalised Star Maps which at the time were only brand new! Bloom 2018 was also the first time we introduced the world to our Birthday Prints, which ended up being the main attraction for the whole weekend!



Gifted @ The RDS 2018

Picture of of our stall at the RDS 2018ย Picture of of our stall at the RDS 2018

After Bloom, our next show for the year was Gifted at the RDS, another show that we have featured in nearly every year since we started as The Baby & Christening Gift Store. Our stand at Gifted was quite different to Bloom however, as we decided to go for a double stand this time, due to the fact that we had a lot more products that we wanted to put out on display! The Personalised Star Maps had developed quite a bit by this point, with several new styles and colour schemes, which meant that they deserved a full wall. Our engraved gifts section had also gotten much bigger, and we had also included our new Santa Serving Board as well because the show was just before Christmas! The ABC Frames also had their place on the stand, along with our Birthday Prints, and we also had room to add in some of our favourite Custom Prints too!



What We Will Have At Bloom

February 1 Birthday Gift Print in Blue

For Bloom 2019, our stand is going to be quite similar to last years in terms of size, but we will be making some changes that can allow us to display some more of our products, as well as making it easier for people to come in and look at them too! Without going into too much detail just yet, what you will find in our stand for Bloom 2019 will be:

These are what we have chosen so far to include in our stand this year, however we haven’t made the final decision yet on what to include, so you’ll have to come and check the stand out for yourself if you want to see the full range of what we bring to the show! As we do at every show, all products will also be sold at a special discounted price, so if your looking for something to do on the June bank holiday weekend, head over to Bloom in The Park, and pop into our stand to say hi!

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